Tuesday, December 11, 2007


Its finals week again. I have a whole day ahead of me studying corporate formation and insider trading. It is not exactly my favorite subject but because I have not been as diligent through the semester as I probably should have been, it is going to be a full day. The thing that is keeping me going at this point is the fact that I only have one more semester left. The bar exam is no longer this abstract event somewhere off in the future but something I need to think about and plan for, and graduate law school for--hence my motivation for actually learning business entities.

In the past, I have blogged a lot during finals, but when you have 15 weeks of derivative suit litigation to memorize, it leaves fewer time to blog away, but I will sneak in a few posts. Apropos blogging--guess who else blogs? Let me give you a hint: he's short, always wears a tan jacket, doesn't own a tie, and denies the holocaust. Yes, you're right! Its the Ahmadinejad blog. There are blogs of political dissent and advertising blogs and far too many law school blogs, but this one falls into propoganda blogs. Its kind of interesting that he appears so excited to have a free forum to express his ideas when there is lots of documented suppression of political bloggers in Iran and censorship of the internet. (read more here and here). One of the rationalizations you hear for why censorship of the internet is good is that it keeps out western values that could corrupt the Iranian culture. I wonder if one of those western values is free speech.

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